One: The Career and Personality of Charles Hartshorne
Two: The Affective Continuum and the Theory of Sensation T
Three: Metaphysics: Its Nature and Methods
- Positivity
- Dipolarity
- Inclusive Asymmetry/Concrete Inclusion
- Position Matrixes
- Kant’s Antinomies as a Challenge to Metaphysics
- Metaphysics and Science
- Conclusion
Four: Neoclassical Metaphysics
- Creativity
- Psychicalism
- Indeterminism and Freedom
- Personal Identity
- Time and Modality
- The Aesthetic Motif
Five: Neoclassical or Dipolar Theism
- Divine Love and Divine Relativity
- Existence and Actuality
- Divine Perfection
- Divine Power
- Divine Knowledge
- Panentheism
- Conclusion
- Appendix: Spinoza and Descartes on God
Six: Theistic and Anti-Theistic Arguments
- Anselm’s Discovery and the Ontological Argument
- The Global Argument
- The Problem of Evil and Theodicy
- Conclusion
- Appendix: Hartshorne’s Ontological Argument and Continental Doctrines of “Nothingness”
Seven: Hartshorne and the New Atheism
- Fundamentalism
- Changing “God”
- God and Science
- Conclusion
Eight: Dipolar Theism and Cosmology
- Big Bang, Heat Death, and Divine Memory
- Big Bang Cosmology and the Finitude of the Past
- Divine Temporality and Special Relativity
- Metaphysics and Science Redux
Nine: Hartshorne’s Applied Philosophy I
- Hartshorne’s Moral Philosophy
- Ethics and Dipolar Theism
- Abortion
- Environmental Ethics
- Conclusion
Ten: Hartshorne’s Applied Philosophy II
- Technology and the Human Condition
- Borgmann and Ellul Contra Hartshorne
- Political and Economic Affairs
- Warfare and Pacifism
- Conclusion
Eleven: Hartshorne’s Legacy
Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works