Table of Contents: The Mind of Charles Hartshorne

One:     The Career and Personality of Charles Hartshorne

Two:   The Affective Continuum and the Theory of Sensation          T

Three:  Metaphysics: Its Nature and Methods

  1. Positivity
  2. Dipolarity
  3. Inclusive Asymmetry/Concrete Inclusion
  4. Position Matrixes
  5. Kant’s Antinomies as a Challenge to Metaphysics
  6. Metaphysics and Science
  7. Conclusion

Four:    Neoclassical Metaphysics

  1. Creativity
  2. Psychicalism
  3. Indeterminism and Freedom
  4. Personal Identity
  5. Time and Modality
  6. The Aesthetic Motif

Five:     Neoclassical or Dipolar Theism

  1. Divine Love and Divine Relativity
  2. Existence and Actuality
  3. Divine Perfection
  4. Divine Power
  5. Divine Knowledge
  6. Panentheism
  7. Conclusion
  8. Appendix: Spinoza and Descartes on God

Six:      Theistic and Anti-Theistic Arguments

  1. Anselm’s Discovery and the Ontological Argument
  2. The Global Argument
  3. The Problem of Evil and Theodicy
  4. Conclusion
  5. Appendix: Hartshorne’s Ontological Argument and Continental Doctrines of “Nothingness”

Seven:  Hartshorne and the New Atheism

  1. Fundamentalism
  2. Changing “God”
  3. God and Science
  4. Conclusion

Eight:  Dipolar Theism and Cosmology

  1. Big Bang, Heat Death, and Divine Memory
  2. Big Bang Cosmology and the Finitude of the Past
  3. Divine Temporality and Special Relativity
  4. Metaphysics and Science Redux

Nine:    Hartshorne’s Applied Philosophy I

  1. Hartshorne’s Moral Philosophy
  2. Ethics and Dipolar Theism
  3. Abortion
  4. Environmental Ethics
  5. Conclusion

Ten:     Hartshorne’s Applied Philosophy II

  1. Technology and the Human Condition
  2. Borgmann and Ellul Contra Hartshorne
  3. Political and Economic Affairs
  4. Warfare and Pacifism
  5. Conclusion

Eleven:  Hartshorne’s Legacy

Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works


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